As many of you probably know, I love party planning and I love themes! Bob has had a themed birthday every year even though she didn’t really know what was happening at her first birthday.
This year she had a Disney Princess party. I have already posted about the invitations, the cake and the party bags and I had lots of other aspects of the party that I wanted to share with you. Unfortunately pregnancy and childbirth got in the way and I am only just catching up.

I was very excited about making themed food for Bob’s party and I spent hours finding ideas on Pinterest. My husband thought I was crazy! As he sat in the kitchen on the morning of Bob’s party cutting sandwiches into star shapes he asked why we couldn’t just cut the bread in half. I smiled and casually reminded him that we would have 2 children’s parties next year.

Here is our Disney Princess themed party food.

Cinderella’s Carriage Wheels

I spread a small amount of cheese spread onto a tortilla wrap and covered it with either cheese or ham. I then rolled them up and cut them into carriage wheels.


Elsa’s Frozen Crackers

I cut cheese slices into snowflake shapes, using a snowflake cutter. I then used a little bit of cheese spread to stick them onto ritz biscuits.


Wish Upon A Star Sandwiches

I used a star cookie cutter to cut sandwiches into star shapes.


Rapunzel’s Royal Pizzas

You may have realised that cutters featured a lot in my food preparation. I was going to make individual shaped pizzas like I made for the fairy party that we had for Bob’s 3rd birthday but, to save time, we bought margarita pizzas and cut them into crown shapes before we cooked them.


Olaf’s Noses

Carrot sticks. 🙂


Ariel’s Sea Cucumber Sticks

Cucumber sticks. I think these will feature in Bob’s 5th party too as she wants an Under The Sea party.


Jasmine’s Jewels

Pots of fruit salad.


Aurora’s Pretty Pink Biscuits

I used pink wafer biscuits and I dipped the ends of them into icing and then into pink sprinkles.


Snow White’s Apple Pie (Not Poisoned)

I bought cheap Apple pies and stuck icing flowers on the top to make them more exciting.


We also had some ‘Merida’s Brother Bear Crisps’ (Pom Bears) but For some reason I don’t have a photo of these.

I also made some marshmallow pops using the pink marshmallows that were left over from the ‘Do You Want To Build A Snowman’ activity (I will be writing about the fun and games soon). These were very easy to make and could be made in advance. The children loved them! I will share my recipe with you soon.

Click on the links below to see my othe Princess Party posts.
How To Make Princes Wand Invitations
Making A Disney Princess Castle Cake
D.I.Y. Disney Princess Party Bags
Themed Food
Crafts & Games

 Posted by Charlotte on March 2, 2016 Party Planning  Add comments

  13 Responses to “Disney Princess Party – Themed Food”


    I love a themed party but I often get a bit stuck when it comes to the food, you have some fantastic ideas! Cutting things into shapes makes them so much more special, I know my children eat more if I make their sandwiches into shapes. It all looks so pretty and delicious.


    Where do you even come up with these ideas? Seriously I am in awe!


    Wow. This is amazing!! Very clever.


    This is so cute! Can’t wait to do birthday parties for my daughter like this!


    I love party planning Amelia had an under sea themed party last year and it was so fun! These all look great, the dipped pink wafers are my favourite :)!


    Oh my goodness this is adorable! My son Toby loves princesses and so does Edie (though she’s just turned 1 and is a bit young to understand any of this) so I will be sure to do some of these for an indoor picnic one day 🙂 H x


    Wow, I love this! Some fab ideas, I particularly love the elsa cheese crackers, cutting the cheese in to snowflakes gives an awesome effect.


    I want a party with food like this! What brilliant ideas and it all looks fab and very creative,

    Laura x


    Aww some great ideas here. Love the themes behind the fruit and veg – its a great way to encourage children to be healthy.

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