Problems With Baby Weaning

When it came to weaning Bob was a dream! I followed Annabel Karmel’s baby weaning plan and made all of my own purees. I had never heard of baby led weaning 5 years ago. I weaned Bob at 5 months. The guidelines back then suggested weaning between 4 and 6 months whereas now they recommend weaning from 6 months. Bob ate everything that I made for her and she really enjoy all of the different flavours. She moved on to [click here to read on]

 Posted by Charlotte on February 23, 2017 Being a Mother 26 Responses »
Oct 052016
Our Bedtime Routine

Our days are so busy! We always seem to be off doing things. School runs, baby groups, baby swimming, Bob’s swimming lessons, Rainbows, dance classes. By the time we have had dinner we are all pretty tired so we try to keep our bedtimes as relaxing as possible. Bow loves having a bath. He gets very excited when I start to run one and he can’t wait to get in. I am not sure how much the splashy, fun bath [click here to read on]

 Posted by Charlotte on October 5, 2016 Being a Mother 31 Responses »
Sep 262016
1 Year Old

I can’t believe my little Bow is 1 year old today! The speed at which children grow never fails to amaze me! I feel like I have cherished the moments more the 2nd time around. Bob’s 1st year passed in a sleep deprived haze. I used to dream of a time when we would get some sleep. This time I haven’t allowed myself to do that. I stopped myself from wishing the nights away. I knew that the time would [click here to read on]

 Posted by Charlotte on September 26, 2016 Being a Mother 14 Responses »
The Day You Say I Love You

When Bob was a baby I used to wonder how she would learn to talk. I know it’s something that most children do but the concept amazed me. I used to ask friends with children how their speech developed, wondering how they made the leap from single words to full sentences. Nobody seemed to be able to tell me. They knew it had happened but they weren’t sure of the process. As Bob grew I was amazed at how her [click here to read on]

 Posted by Charlotte on September 13, 2016 Being a Mother 17 Responses »
A Lovely Holiday In The U.K.

We have recently returned from a wonderful week in Devon. We went to Menorca last year and Bob had an amazing time! She kept asking if we could go back but with our abroad holiday when Bob was a baby still imprinted on my mind, I didn’t want to risk leaving the country whilst Bow was a baby. We have friends in Devon so we decided to spend our holiday there. We stayed on a lovely farm in Kenn. There [click here to read on]

 Posted by Charlotte on September 12, 2016 Being a Mother 2 Responses »
To My Baby Girl On Your 1st Day In Year 1

I know that time passes quickly but I cannot believe how the past year has flown! It only seems like yesterday that I was walking you to school for the first time. On the other hand, so much has happened in the last year! You started school and became a big sister within a month! Each of those events is life changing and I was worried that it might be too much for you. You took it all in your [click here to read on]

 Posted by Charlotte on September 7, 2016 Being a Mother, Firsts 8 Responses »
Beehive Surprise Review

We have been sent another game from Hasbro to review. Bob loved Pop Pop Pinata and she was excited to try the new Beehive Surprise game. When it arrived Bob couldn’t wait to play it. She had to wait until we bought some batteries. The game requires 3 AA batteries and we didnt have any at home. The object of the game is to steal the bee’s honeycomb. Each player has to carefully select a piece of honeycomb and try [click here to read on]

 Posted by Charlotte on July 25, 2016 Being a Mother 1 Response »