While Chefs Watch Their Fox By Night

When I was Bob’s age I came home from nursery and told my mum that I wanted to be a fox in the nativity. My mum explained that there wasn’t a fox in the nativity and I replied, ‘Oh yes there is! While shepherds watch their fox by night!’ When I got over the fact that I couldn’t be a fox I decided I wanted to be a king. Unfortunately I didn’t get the part and I was someone who [click here to read on]

 Posted by Charlotte on December 17, 2014 Being a Mother, Fun 2 Responses »
Dec 082014
The Fools

My friends and I go away to Norfolk for a girly weekend once a year. My friend Emily’s parents own a caravan there and the kindly let us use it. Whilst we were there in the summer we came across a spiritual fair at a village hall. There were palm and tarot card readings and you could buy many wonderful things. My friend decided to have her cards read. Her reading was spot on. The cards described her and her [click here to read on]

 Posted by Charlotte on December 8, 2014 Fun 2 Responses »
...And They All Lived Happily Ever After

Bob and I love stories! We love reading books and we also love making stories up! When House Of Fraser said that they needed help to write an ending for the story of Fraser Bear we looked forward to taking part. I had to write the story and Bob had to illustrate it. Their story ends with Fraser Bear wondering how he can explain snow to his brother, Baby Bear, who has never seen it. Here is our ending. Disclaimer: [click here to read on]

 Posted by Charlotte on November 28, 2014 Fun 1 Response »
The Crazy Cabbage Patch Lady

I have a new obsession! You may have heard of a crazy cat lady. Many years from now I will be referred to as the crazy Cabbage Patch Lady! When I was younger I really wanted a Cabbage Patch Kid. I remember asking for one for Christmas when I was younger. My mum asked me if I wouldn’t prefer a brussel sprout kid. On Christmas morning I found a brussel sprout kid in my stocking. My mum had stuck hair [click here to read on]

 Posted by Charlotte on November 20, 2014 Cabbage Patch Kids, Fun 5 Responses »
Sally Is A Little Devil

My friends regularly despair of me when I dress up Sally. She has a few little jumpers which I think look fab but my husband refuses to walk her in them and my friends think I’m nuts. I can’t wait for their reaction to this post! George at Asda asked me if Sally would like to model one of their Halloween outfits and I of course said yes! They have a range of Halloween outfits for dogs and, as Sally [click here to read on]

 Posted by Charlotte on October 27, 2014 Fun 1 Response »
Warbling Water Fights

When planning a party I love having a theme to base everything on. I think a party bag is much more fun when it’s contents match the theme of the party! The party bags for the Woodland Fairy Party had some lovely things in. I wondered if it would be silly to put my name on one. 😉 You can see my post about the party bags and their contents here. One of the items was a bird warbler. When [click here to read on]

 Posted by Charlotte on September 16, 2014 Fun 1 Response »

As the summer holidays are in full swing, I thought that I would share a little video with you that I captured last year. Bob loves the beach and she would happily spend hours there. The only problem is that our time there was far from relaxing. Bob likes to run around on the beach and, as she was only 2, this involved one of us running around after her. That was until my husband came up with a genius [click here to read on]

 Posted by Charlotte on August 5, 2014 Activities, Fun 7 Responses »