Shopping From The Sofa

I may have mentioned this many times before but I hate clothes shopping! Don’t get me wrong I love getting new clothes, I just hate trying them on in little changing cubicles and getting stressed because they don’t look nice in the horrendous mirrors. I much prefer spending time choosing clothes online, having them delivered to my door and trying them on in the comfort of my own bedroom. On the rare occasion that I do go clothes shopping, I [click here to read on]

 Posted by Charlotte on October 19, 2018 Fashion No Responses »
Jun 122018
My Summer Wardrobe

Summer is here! It seems like we had to wait a long time but then 2 weeks after the snow fell the sun began to shine. My Uggs and winter coats have been packed away and my thoughts are turning to a lovely summer wardrobe. Each summer I find myself dashing to the shops as Bob and Bow have outgrown all of their summer clothes. Somehow, even though I don’t grow out of my clothes, when summer arrives I never [click here to read on]

 Posted by Charlotte on June 12, 2018 Fashion No Responses »
Quick & Easy Ways To Spruce Up Any Outfit

Today I have a post for you from Maise Fitzgerald. Maise has worked with a number of high end fashion designers as a stylist and blogger, helping others to find a style that works for them. Sometimes, being a mum means that the last thing on your mind is actually taking your hair out of that messy mum-bun, wearing something other than your worn in boyfriend jeans or replacing that comfy t-shirt that still has a baby sick stain on [click here to read on]

 Posted by Charlotte on July 30, 2017 Fashion No Responses »
Sorting Out Our Summer Wardrobe

We are off to Disneyland Paris soon and we are all very excited! Michael and I have been before we had children. We loved it then but | think it will be much more special this time around! I need to update Bob’s wardrobe as her summer clothes from last year are too small. I have been shopping online and I have found some gorgeous clothes on the ESPIRIT website. I saw a gorgeous denim dress that I know Bob [click here to read on]

 Posted by Charlotte on April 28, 2017 Fashion 4 Responses »
Summer Wardrobe Wish List

My house is like a jumble sale at the moment. I am having a huge clothing clear out. Bow has outgrown so much already and I am fed up of having nothing to wear, even though my wardrobe and drawers are over flowing! I dread the weather being nice as my summer wardrobe is none existent. Last summer I was wearing maternity clothing and the summer before I was a size 6. I have no intention of being either of [click here to read on]

 Posted by Charlotte on June 20, 2016 Fashion 26 Responses »
My Wish List For My Winter Wardrobe

I am sure that most women say that they have nothing to wear most days but in my case it is actually true. Before I got pregnant I was wearing a size 8. I had a baby 5 weeks ago and, at the moment, it feels like I will never see this size again. I have maternity clothes that fit me but they look odd as I no longer have a bump. I am in desperate need of some new [click here to read on]

 Posted by Charlotte on November 3, 2015 Fashion 4 Responses »