Pregnancy Catch Up

30 weeks pregnant – Our baby is the size of a red cabbage

The size of our baby this week differs depending on which site you refer to. Some sites list red cabbage as the size of the baby at 30 weeks and some list it for the size at 26 weeks. I had 2 things that I could use for 26 weeks, lettuce or red cabbage. I chose lettuce and saved red cabbage to use later in my pregnancy because, as the fruit and vegetables get bigger they get quite random. I think I will struggle to source a jack fruit and a winter melon so saving the red cabbage until now will help with the juggling of the bigger fruits. Don’t worry! I won’t literally do that whilst pregnant! 🙂

I love red cabbage when it is slowly stewed with apple. Bob does too. I do not however love the idea of pushing a red cabbage out of my hoo ha. I am also dreading the week when the baby is the size of a pumpkin! 

At 30 weeks our baby is strong enough to grasp a finger. I can’t wait for him to hold on to mine!


To see my first post and read about the madness behind this idea click here.

 Posted by Charlotte on September 14, 2015 Pregnancy & Childbirth  Add comments

  One Response to “The Size Of A Red Cabbage”


    I love this idea. It used to make me laugh when babycentre would send me emails saying the size of the baby was ”’ fruit or veg.

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