A terrible thing happened last Tuesday! Bob managed to steal one of her favourite things! The sky remote! As I went to take it from her everything turned to black and white!!! Well on the television at least. I tried to get the colour back but nothing worked! Even my trusty technical trick of turning things off and then back on again failed me!

My husband was due home so I didn’t panic, as I knew he’d be able to fix it! He couldn’t! For a whole evening the men in my life were colourless!!!

* Just to clarify, my husband’s colour is still o.k.

The next morning, I turned on the television, wondering if Baby Jake would be as appealing to Bob in black and white, and the colour had returned!!! Maybe it just needed a rest. (Bet you are impressed with my technical know how!)

Thinking that our crisis was over, we went about our day. Then, that evening, the sky broke!!! Not in a Chicken Licken way but in a way that meant no more instant access to all of our favourite shows. Luckily it was just a problem with the remote and my husband has been and bought one today. It has actually been a good thing as we have watched some good programmes that we would have missed, as we always watch everything on catch up.

Bob is now not allowed with a 2 metre radius of a remote control! It still baffles me that, when surrounded by colourful toys she will choose my phone or the remote control every time!

If you have been having technical difficulties with your little ones, or any other difficulties for that matter, feel free to link up below. It’s great therapy! Watching The Vampire Diaries in black and white was made easier by the thought that I’d have a good Terrible Twosday post!!!

This linky is now closed. If you would like to write a Terrible Twosday guest post, please let me know.

I am going to link this post up with A Strong Coffee’s Mischievous Monday! x

 Posted by Charlotte on April 23, 2012 Terrible Twosday  Add comments

  16 Responses to “Terrible Twosday (Not Just For 2 Year Olds)”


    I know that I don’t have to join my own linky but I wanted to make sure that the thumbnails worked. ;o)


    Lol, this made me chuckle! 🙂
    It’s the same with packaging and wrapping paper, you can buy kids all the toys they want for Christmas or Birthdays and they’d still prefer to play hide and seek with the boxes! xxx


    I find that with my two they have sooooooo many toys yet they try their hardest to play wit non toys eg. Mobiles, iPads, tv remotes, pens an do on!!
    Still at less those hunks still look dreamy in black and white!!


    ha ha! My little girl isn’t allowed the SKY remote now either. She has deleted some of our SKY+ faves and taped really random things too! xxx


    I happen to think your favourite men look rather yummy in black and white 😉 x


    Oh dear Molly I see you have fully recovered :0) xx


    Yummy Damon 😉 Still looks good even with your TV in black and white!


    Ours are the same! ‘Phones, remotes, my iPod Touch, laptops, anything with buttons have an extreme attraction! I had to tape up the the on/off button on the TV a long time ago.

    Sorry I missed the linky this week. I was just about ot post when I saw it was closed. pProbably ‘cos it’s Wednesday, I guess. D’uh..

    Next week then 🙂


    […] having a giggle at their antics and it’s great therapy! If Bob does something terrible (e.g. Makes my television black and white, steals parts of the toilet or bites my knee when I’m having a wee!) I don’t get […]


    Love it! Thanks for linking this up – it has given me a giggle! I bought some life like keys for baby man but he can still tell the difference and wants mine x


    […] having a giggle at their antics and it’s great therapy! If Bob does something terrible (e.g. Makes my television black and white, steals parts of the toilet or bites my knee when I’m having a wee!) I don’t get […]

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