birthday fun for dad

For my dad’s 60th birthday we wanted to get him something really special! He is a fabulous dad and a wonderful grandad so we wanted to spoil him!

He loves planes and he used to make aeroplanes as a career. My sister suggested a flying lesson and I thought that this was a great idea!

We found a flying experience in Blackpool. It was much cheaper than booking a gift experience! We booked it as a surprise but we checked with our mum first to see if she thought he would like it.

On the morning of my dad’s birthday we all turned up at his house and presented him with his gift certificate. He was a little worried at first. I suppose loving planes and having to fly one is a little bit different. He soon came around to the idea and he was excited to give it a go. We went to the airport and got ready to watch our dad’s flying debut!

My dad was quite nervous and at one point I was worried we had done the wrong thing. As he walked towards the plane I felt nervous for him. We watched him take off and hoped for the best!

He was in the air for about 20 minutes. We had no idea how he was getting on. We starred at the sky and waited for him to return.

When the plane landed we anxiously watched my dad climb out. I looked at his face for a sign. He wasn’t smiling but he wasn’t a wreck. He walked towards us, very straight faced. Suddenly his face broke into a smile. He had absolutely loved it! He seemed very pleased with himself and said that his lesson could count towards his pilots license if he wanted to take it further.

Unfortunately he thought that it was a bit late in life for a career change. Otherwise he could have taken ‘Dad’s Taxi’ to a whole new level! 🙂

Disclaimer: This is a collaborative post.

 Posted by Charlotte on June 16, 2017 Activities  Add comments

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