Oct 272013

Bob loves her books! Since she was tiny she has sat with a book on her knee pretending to read. Now she is older she likes certain books and we read them so many times that she remembers what they are about. Here she is ‘reading’ Dear Zoo.

It is not as fancy as some of my other videos but it is a moment that I do not want to forget.

 Posted by Charlotte on October 27, 2013 Fun  Add comments

  14 Responses to “Dear Zoo”


    Oh bless her, that is adorable. Mads is the same and it really makes us laugh because it does really sound like she is reading them. I can’t imagine my baby being big enough to read! X


    You too! x


    Very cute, my little boy has sat next to me and very much enjoyed Dear Zoo as read by Bob 🙂 x


    Aww, that’s so sweet – she looks like she’s teaching they way she keeps looking up to check you’re paying attention! Kitty ‘reads’ a few of her favourites and it slays me every time!


    She looks soooo grown up. It’s kind of freaky when they remember books and start to read them to you. There’s always something in the back of my head that really believes they can read 🙂


    Such a sweet video 🙂 Her voice is so cute, I love hearing little ones talking (something you can’t get from a photo) x


    Adorable – she is so grown up for her age! x


    Cherry loves Dear Zoo! We’ve read it so many times in this house! x


    that is one of our favourite books!


    Oh my, how cute?! xx


    Bless her, I love to read and really hope that it passes onto one of my children. There is nothing better than losing yourself in a good book!

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