Written on the 22nd June

We had a scare on Saturday.

It all started at a children’s party at a soft play centre. I was walking along when all of a sudden the back of my skirt was wet. My bag was hanging down my back and there was a bottle of water in it so I assumed this was leaking, it wasn’t. I looked around and I couldn’t work out were the wetness had come from. Luckily my leggings were dry so I wasn’t worried and I put it down to a random spillage.

Later that day when we were at home I needed the toilet really frequently! Even more frequently than my crazy pregnancy need to wee! It was urgent to and it reminded me of when my water’s slowly released during my pregnancy with Bob.

I mentioned this to my husband and although I am convinced that the incident at the soft play centre was nothing to worry about I stupidly mentioned that as well. Michael started to panic! He kept telling me to ring the hospital but I knew if I did that they would make me go in so I waited a while.

It got to the stage where I could feel water coming away. It was only small amounts but I knew that it wasn’t urine as it was coming from the wrong place. As I wasn’t even 26 weeks I started to worry. I rang the hospital and they told me to come in for a check up.

After 3 hours of waiting and an unpleasant speculum check the doctor told me that my cervix was still closed. She said that it looked like watery discharge and that I shouldn’t worry. I have heard that you can get increased discharge in pregnancy but I never experience this with Bob. It really did feel like when my waters were leaking last time. I was so relieved!

Although pregnancy is becoming more and more uncomfortable I would like our little man to stay in there for much longer!


To see a collage of my pregnancy photos and links to all of my posts so far visit my Pregnancy Diaries.

 Posted by Charlotte on August 30, 2015 Pregnancy & Childbirth  Add comments

  4 Responses to “Pregnancy Diaries – 26 Weeks”


    Glad everything’s OK and that your little man is staying put for now xXx


    Pleased to hear it was nothing too worrying in the end but scary at the time nevertheless


    Love that you’ve incorporated your family onto subject headers and stuff, very creative!

    Catstello | http://www.cattitudeandco.uk

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