We recently bought a Nintendo Switch. We have a Wii that we have had since long before Bob was born so we thought we were due an upgrade. They whole family loves it. There are so many different games that there is something for everyone.
We were recently asked if we would like to review the new How To Train Your Dragon game, DreamWorks Dragons Dawn of New Riders was released at the beginning of February.
It is a role playing game where you play as Scribbles, a boy who can’t remember his own name or a dragon named Patch (you can switch between the two). Bob enjoyed playing the game but she needed me to play it with her as you had to read quite a bit of text to introduce you to the game and the characters and she couldn’t be bothered. I didn’t mind. It was quite fun reading a game to her.
We began by exploring the island as Scribbles and chasing after a man who stole a dragon egg, which would later hatch into Patch. Later on in the game, when Patch has grown we could fly on his back. This was very exciting but there is much more to the game than this. It is full of puzzles, quests and battles.
We haven’t finished the game yet and we are looking forward to seeing what happens next.
We were sent a code to download this game free of charge in exchange for an honest, unbiased review.