Apr 272016

I know that children grow so quickly but I am truly amazed at how fast you are changing! Time seems to be racing and each day you surprise me.

shocked 4 month old baby

You are desperate to sit up but you are still very wobbly. You prefer sitting to lying down now but you lean so far forward to try and steady yourself. I have to be ready to catch you before you face plant the floor.

4 month old baby smiling

After trying out your friends jumperoo we decided to get one of our own. You absolutely love it! You bounce around like a little bunny and you are so happy!

4 month old baby laughing

You still love your milk and you are a greedy little man. Age 3-6 months clothes are getting snug but size 6-9 months are far too long.

hungry 4 month old baby

We love having snuggles and we struggle to put you down. You are happy that way and so am I. I know we are probably getting into bad habits but I don’t care! You are our last baby so if you want to sleep in my arms when you are 18 then that’s fine. 🙂

my gorgeous baby boy

Time is moving far too quickly and I don’t want to miss a moment!

baby boy at 4 months old

 Posted by Charlotte on April 27, 2016 Baby Development, Being a Mother  Add comments

  21 Responses to “4 Months Old”


    what a cherub, such lovely pictures. I’m all over snuggles, I don’t think you can spoil them with too much love!


    Aw, gorgeous photos. It really does fly by, doesn’t it? My three all loved the Jumperoo. Such a good investment x


    Oh he is a little charmer. Sitting up and all the little cutie. lovely little update


    What a cutie, that smile…


    Aw I love this update with the cute cutie pictures! And trying to sit up already, that is really good for 4 months! xx


      Unfortunately he is still struggling with it a couple of months later. He is much stronger than he was but still leans too far forward. 🙂 x


    Such a cutie! Crazy how fast time goes when they are little. Lamb also loved the jumperoo when he was a baby xx


    He is so cute. The updates are so nice, in one year (or a few 🙂 ) you can look at them and remember this moments. x


    Oh how adorable! Can’t believe it has been 4 months already It’s flown by


    Oh too cute! He is adorable – the photos are just gorgeous. Time flies by so fast – my eldest is 19! Kaz x


    Oh my gosh, how is he 4 months old already? wow x


    Cutest bubba ever! That smile just makes my heart melt xxx


    Aww what a lovely little smile! I remember this age so well, i love how wobbly they are and they still have chubby knees and arms, enjoy every moment it definitely goes way too quickly!

    Cydney x


    These pictures are so cute, that little smile melted my heart!


    Awww he is just so gorgeous and look at that cheeky smile! I can’t believe how quickly time is passing though!!


    Those photos made my ovaries ache he is just adorable!!!! Sounds like he’s getting on really well xx

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