Don’t panic, I am not pregnant again! 🙂 I am just catching up and giving myself a chance to get over the trauma of childbirth before writing about it.

36 weeks pregnant – Our baby is the size of a romain lettuce

I found information from various websites when I was putting together my fruit and veg posts. You can read more about this here. Some weeks the sites differed with which fruit or vegetable they used. I gathered all the information and then put the fruit in the order that made most sense to me.

At 36 weeks our baby is approximately the length of a romain lettuce. He is continuing to put on weight and he should be getting into the head down position. (If only Bow had known this. He flipped breech around this time.)


To see my first post and read about the madness behind this idea click here.

 Posted by Charlotte on October 27, 2015 Pregnancy & Childbirth  Add comments

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