Mar 232016

A horrible sickness bug has hit our house. Bob was really poorly last week! She started being sick on Wednesday evening when Michael was working late. I hate seeing my baby poorly! My mummy guilt hit a whole new level as I had to take care of my poorly girl whilst trying to settle my baby and as I was trying to do both I struggled to do either properly. When Bow had gone to sleep I snuggled up with my princess and hoped that I was making up for the time when she only had half of me.

Daddy came home and we decided to look after one baby each. He stayed with Bob downstairs and Bow and I went to bed. He is quite a mummy’s boy so we thought this was the best plan of action. I laid in bed awake listening to my baby girl and hating that I wasn’t helping her! I swapped with Michael during the night and then I lay awake downstairs listening to my baby boy being unsettled. I hate not being able to be there for both of them!

Bob had recovered by the weekend and we thought the rest of us had managed to avoid it. We were wrong! On Monday morning Bow started being sick. It was awful! He is still so tiny and I hated not being able to help him!

Bow and I spent the day snuggled up together and I tried to comfort him the best that I could. Luckily our lovely neighbour came to the rescue and picked Bob up from school for us.

Monday night was horrible! I daren’t sleep as I was so worried about Bow. I still hadn’t recovered from the sleepless nights spent worrying about Bob. I was exhausted but I didn’t want to give into the tiredness incase my baby needed me. Thank goodness for no deposit bingo. It is keeping me busy during the long nights and stopping me from going stir crazy. I thought the days the Bow and I were home alone could be long but the nights last forever. Whilst everyone sleeps I lie awake worrying about my babies.

Yesterday morning I started being sick. It was awful! Bow was still struggling and I would finally get him to settle, then I would need to put him down as I needed to be ill. He would then wake up and be so upset. I felt like the worst mummy in the world!

Today I am feeling a bit better and I am hoping that Bow is over the worst. Sickness bugs are horrible! Hopefully we have had our far share and we will all be healthy for a while!

Disclaimer: This is a collaborative post.

 Posted by Charlotte on March 23, 2016 Being a Mother  Add comments

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