Every Christmas I tell myself that I will start buying presents early. This usually results in me frantically wrapping presents on Christmas Eve! I used to laugh at my Mum when she started buying things in January. Maybe she had a point!
This year I was adamant that things would be different. Maybe the responsibility of being a mummy at Christmas time has kicked in. I even wrote a list! It had people’s names and present ideas on it. When I had bought the gift I marked it with a star and when I had wrapped it I crossed it off the list. There is something very satisfying about crossing something off a to do list!
I have done all of my shopping online this year, which has made my life a lot easier. Thanks Amazon! I have also ordered the gifts in plenty of time and most of them have arrived. In the past I would spend days walking around town failing to find things. I have also ordered things online too late and ended up having to buy other gifts at the last minute.
I feel more organised then I ever have this year. All my cards are written and all presents have been purchased. I plan to spend the next week decorating my Christmas cake, making more gingerbread decorations for the tree (we ate the first batch) and playing Father Christmas.
We have many festivities planned and many gifts to be delivered. It is hard to fit everyone in. There are also my friends who live far away and I know that I won’t get to see them before Christmas.
Luckily Parcelforce is on hand to help. They provide various courier services which is a great way to get gifts to loved ones that you don’t get to see as often as you’d like.
I think that I am almost ready for my Mrs. Claus badge! I hope you all manage to keep the stress to a minimum and enjoy getting ready for Christmas. I’m just off to feed the reindeer. 🙂
i love being organised and getting to spend more time doing christmas things instead of stressing 🙂
Soo with you on this one! So this saturday instead of dragging the kids around 100’s of shops stressing, as it’s all done we are off ice skating or something else christmassy!! yesss!!!
Hope you had a lovely time! x
I am rubbish every single year. Even though xmas comes at exactly the same time! Thank god for Amazon. I think I’m almost sorted now I think!
Well done, do you fancy comeing round and sorting typists, with a house move (1st dec) two birthdays (5th and 10th dec) and an anniversary (18th dec) she has never been so unprepared for Christmas, she is almost at the point of starting a campaign to see if she can push it back another month or so!!
Oh my goodness! Sounds like you would be very busy without Christmas! Hope you manage to get sorted! x x
I’ve only done a handful of cards, your post reminds me that I need to get hopping. 🙂
Gingerbread cookies sound fun!
Love the pics!
Other than that, Christmas was good. Our holiday celebrations are stretching out even more than usual this year. We had to work around a few things, like a husband who had to work on Christmas and a son who was taking a turn celebrating the holiday with his girlfriend’s family this year. So we’ll have our family Christmas this weekend. And even though the kids are all adults now, they’re still giddy with anticipation for their gifts. And I will not give in and let Kacey open “just one!” She has to wait.
Have a lovely 2nd Christmas! x