Mar 142016

I can’t believe how much you have changed in such a short amount of time! You are already a little chatter box and you are always smiling! Until I get out the camera. Every time I tried to take your photograph you looked like a rabbit that had been caught in the headlights.

startled baby

You are definitely a mummy’s boy! I remember your sister liked to be held but she wasn’t fussy about who she was with. You love mummy cuddles and are reluctant to go to anybody else. You can be fast asleep and I will pass you to somebody so that they can have a cuddle and you wake up straight away. You peek out of one eye, realise that you are not in your mummy’s arms and start to cry.

jumping baby

The health visitor said that it’s a boy thing. Now I come to think of it I am sure it tended to be the boys who were holding on to their mummy’s skirts on their way into nursery. Your sister doesn’t even look back as she skips into school in the morning, I think you might be different.

You have started to tangle your little fist in my hair before you fall asleep so that I will struggle to put you down. It’s a good job I love your cuddles!

baby development 2 months old

You are still not a fan of baby massage. I think it may be because you are the only boy in the class. It might be embarrassing to strip off in front of all those ladies.

I can’t believe how quickly time is flying by! The weeks are racing and I keep losing track of how old you are. Stop growing up so fast little man!

Baby photo

 Posted by Charlotte on March 14, 2016 Being a Mother  Add comments

  2 Responses to “2 Months Old”


    Gorgeous boy. Bound to be with such a beautiful sister, Mummy and Daddy. You had better tell Michael I meant that in a masculine sort of way!! Don’t want to worry him lol. Hope you are all well xxx


    He is such a cutie

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