Bob is only 5 but she is already questioning Father Christmas. I think we have a few years of the magic left but I am having to explain things to her a lot more.

The other day we were watching Arthur Christmas. For those of you who haven’t seen it, they deliver the presents in a modern way using lots of technology and zip wires. Bob was not impressed by this and she told me that wasn’t the way that Father Christmas delivered presents. I explained that there are several ideas about Father Christmas and people believe different things as nobody really knows. We decided that we believed that presents were still delivered in the traditional way, with a sleigh pulled by Santa’s reindeer. I also said that I thought Christmas spirit helped the sleigh to fly as well, like in the movie Elf.

She also knows that some of the Santa’s that we go to visit aren’t real. She can now tell if a beard is real or fake. I told her that Father Christmas was very busy at this time of year. He couldn’t possibly be in every grotto in the world. I explained that most of the Father Christmas’ that we went to visit were actually helpers and they listened to what children would like for Christmas and told the man himself so he knew what to bring on Christmas Eve.

On Sunday we went to visit Father Christmas. We travelled to Thursford to visit their Fantasy Land. This is a magical place which I will tell you all about in another post. Inside Fantasy Land there was a wonderful grotto. There were some lovely elves and they made Bob and Bow feel very special as they waited to visit Father Christmas.

Molly was prepared to see one of his helpers. She was fine with this as she knew that her message would get to the real Father Christmas and she would get a present. The elves lead us through the grotto to a big wooden door. They opened the door and there sat Father Christmas.

father christmas the real one

Bob’s face was a picture. She tugged on my sleeve and whispered in my ear, ‘He has a real beard!’

Father Christmas was so lovely! He told Bob all about how busy he was and how he had time to come and see her as there were still a few weeks to go before Christmas. He made such a fuss of Bob and Bow. Bow was a bit unsure, especially when we sat him on his knee. Bob thought it was amazing!

sussing out santa

finding the real father christmas

They both got a present, Bob got a craft set and Bow got some building blocks.

never too young for a present from father christmas

I loved how there were different presents for different age groups and for boys and girls, rather than the same teddy for everyone which is given in some grottos.

getting a gift from the real father christmas

talking to father christmas

When we left Bob was very excited! She told me that she thought he was the real Father Christmas! I think she might be right!

Disclaimer: We were given free tickets to the Thursford Experience. I have decided to write several posts as we had so much fun!

 Posted by Charlotte on December 5, 2016 Activities, Reviews  Add comments

  5 Responses to “The Real Father Christmas”


    aww it sounds like a miracle on 34th street moment – i love that film! I believed in Santa until i was 11 and believed any lie my mum made up lol even when my best friend had said she had seen her mum putting the presents by her bed. Nothing deterred me. I think it’s how imaginative you are, and making christmas special which it sounds like you do from this post! x


    aww it sounds like a miracle on 34th street moment – i love that film! I believed in Santa until i was eleven and believed any lie my mum made up lol even when my best friend had said she had seen her mum putting the presents by her bed. Nothing deterred me. I think it’s how imaginative you are, and making christmas special which it sounds like you do from this post! x (sorry think my other post was written wrong – please detail previous)


      I hope to continue the magic as long as possible and then I am going to involve her in great the magic for her baby brother. Hope she is like you were and doesn’t listen to the ‘non believers’. 🙂 xx


    Sounds like you’ve really helped sparkle the magic back in with this vist. My boy just turned 4 in October and is only now understanding the idea of Xmas, and he is SUPER excited about the idea of Santa brining him a gift and coming down the chimney. I hope he believes the magic for years.


    Kids are so smart they know when you are pulling the wool over their eyes haha. Its good that she believed this Santa was real though!

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