We have just returned from a relaxing week at Centre Parcs. We only live about 20 minutes from Sherwood Forest but when you are at Centre Parcs you could be anywhere. We don’t have the stress of travelling and if we forgot anything we could easily pop home to get it.

Bob has had an amazing time! A few weeks ago some leaflets came through the post to tell us what activities we could do. On the front of one of the brochures was a photo of Rupert Bear. Bob got so excited and kept asking if she could go and see him. We booked to go on the teddy bears picnic so that Bob could meet Rupert. She loved every minute of it and keeps asking when we can go and see him again.



She also loved going swimming! The first time we went she went down some of the flumes with her Daddy. Michael told me they were really slow and one of them was full of fairy lights so I couldn’t wait to have a go.

The second time we went I took Bob on the flumes. Oh dear me! The one with the fairy lights was so fast! If I had gone on it on my own I would have been fine but as Bob was on my knee I couldn’t slow myself down with my hands. I tried my best to keep Bob in an upright position but this resulted in me wobbling all over the place! At one point I fell to the side and grazed my elbow.

When we got to the bottom my main goal was to stop Bob from drowning. I lifted her above my head but, as we were going so fast, I splashed to the bottom of the pool and Bob went under the water too (even though she was wearing a swim jacket). She thought it was great but it scared the life out of me! The fact that I was responsible for Bob on the death slide was so terrifying! Daddy was in trouble! 😉

Bob also loved scooting around the park and exploring all the play areas. Although we live in a quite area we still get a few cars around our house. It was lovely to let Bob scoot around and not worry about the traffic.

We all had a great time and it was lovely to get away from it all!

 Posted by Charlotte on February 3, 2014 Activities  Add comments

  One Response to “Rupert & The Death Slide”


    The death slide sounds errrr …. Interesting!! Oh dear Michael

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